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this book is not for everyone digital book plus 3 different printable life calendars

this book is not for everyone digital book plus 3 different printable life calendars

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Have you ever wondered if you’re wasting your time on things that don’t matter?

Are You Letting Time Slip Away? Discover the Secret to Making Every Moment Count.

Do you realize that even though you have 8 hours a day for yourself, most of it is spent worrying about the future, dwelling on the past, or getting lost in your phone? Life Calendar isn’t just a book; it’s a wake-up call. It invites you to reflect on how you’re spending your time and gives you the tools to take control of your life before it’s too late.

In today’s fast-paced world, it's easy to lose track of what truly matters. Most of us waste precious hours worrying, scrolling through our phones, or dwelling on the past.

Most people only own one-third of their time: 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work, and 8 hours that should be yours—but are you really making the most of them? Imagine knowing exactly how much time you have left in your life to discover your purpose, achieve your dreams, and dare to do what you’ve always wanted but have been too afraid to try. This book shows you how to visualize your time graphically with a life calendar so that every day counts. Because when we’re aware of the time we have, we act differently.

I’ve been there too, feeling like I was wasting time, caught up in things that didn’t matter. Like many, I didn’t have a clear purpose, and it made me feel like a rudderless ship—aimless, empty, and increasingly frustrated. When we don’t know why we wake up each morning, time slips through our fingers. But no one ever taught us how to find our purpose or the enormous benefits it brings. We all have unique talents and abilities to share with the world; they’re just waiting to be discovered. And in this book, you’ll discover yours through a subconscious-guided test. 

Life Calendar is much more than a book; it’s an action plan to transform your life. It will help you discover your purpose—that sense of direction and focus that motivates you to get up every day with a clear “why.” If you’ve ever believed that “you’re not good enough,” “you don’t have time,” or “it’s too late for you,” this book is for you. You’ll identify and overcome these limiting beliefs that have held you back, reprogramming your subconscious to align with your goals and desires. You’ll learn to use your supraconscious mind to guide you, to live in the present to reduce stress, and to activate your Reticular Activating System (RAS) so that your brain works in your favor, focusing on what truly matters. Plus, with 80 practical challenges, you’ll gradually overcome your fears, transforming into a person who dares to do more because life is too short to sit on the sidelines.

Don’t keep wasting time. This is your moment to act, to take control of your life, and to live with purpose. Life Calendar will guide you every step of the way, from discovering your purpose to overcoming your deepest fears. 

Don’t let another day slip away.

Take the first step towards a purposeful life now.  get your copy today

Exclusive Bonus:  Along with the ebook, receive 3 different printable life calendars to help you start your journey immediately!


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